Open Doors

Look, there are lots of gay relationships that are unhealthy, destructive, and sinful. But guess what? There are also a ton of straight relationships that are unhealthy, destructive, and sinful. Neither has anything to do with the orientation of the partners. Rather, it has everything to do with how those partners treat one another and how they care for that relationship.

Part III – A Different View

And it's time we stopped worrying about who is condemned, and started working with the God that is in the business of redeeming: man and woman; Jew and Gentile; gay and straight; black, white, brown, and every other color of the rainbow. I know this is messy. I know it is uncomfortable. It's supposed to be. Because anything worth having is worth struggling over.

Part II – “The Bible Clearly Says”

You know, Jesus never promised us a book that would guide us in all things. He promised us a Spirit.

I Am Done With Being a Coward

If you believe that God condemns a person for loving a person of the same sex, then your God is my Devil.