Mark 15 & 16: Empty Tombs of Hope

I’ve been trying to figure out how to wrap up Mark. Because a lot has happened over the last couple chapters, but nothing feels like a stand-alone post. Or rather, everything feels like it's been done over and over and over. Then I saw this tweet over Easter weekend, and everything came into focus. reading Mark 15 & 16: Empty Tombs of Hope

Mark 14 Part 2 – Judas and Choices

For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that one by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that one not to have been born. ~ Mark 14:21 Oh, Judas. You’ve gone and done it now. I mean, I know he's Judas, … Continue reading Mark 14 Part 2 – Judas and Choices

Mark 13: Apocalypse as preparation

When you look at these kids from Stoneman Douglas, and you marvel at their ability to not put up with bullshit non-answers from politicians, what you are actually seeing is the fruit of that same “entitlement mentality” you’ve been bitching about. They feel entitled to real answers. And they are right.

Mark 12: Whose stuff is it?

The religious leaders in Jesus’s day get a lot of grief from us modern church folks, and for good reason. But I will give them one thing: they were generally pretty self-aware. When Jesus ripped into them, even obliquely in a parable, they generally picked up on it. Maybe we should take a lesson. Then … Continue reading Mark 12: Whose stuff is it?

Go Forth and Resonate

Hey there. Long time, no blog. I plan on getting back to blogging through Mark soon, but first I wanted to post a little personal news and share a little story about it. The news is that Sakina and I have been going to this storefront Wesleyan church called Resonate since last Fall. It’s been a … Continue reading Go Forth and Resonate

Mark 7: The one where Jesus is a jerk

This is Jesus as #TheResistance, getting right up in the face of the Kingdom gatekeepers, defending the poor and the weak. This Jesus makes my little liberal heart swell. But then this other story drops in, casually and unwelcome, like a fart in an elevator.